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Does anyone know what is the server specs for Forti collector ????? i cannot find any document that says its requires OS ... CPU...Memory any thing ??
Hi All, i have a question about IPsec Site to Site Tunnel ... while establishing the tunnel how is the configured source interface communicate to the destination tunnel address ??? is it through routing table or it just send traffic out of the config...
Hi All, Is anyone know how to create a policy hitcount report from fortianalyzer?? or even what is the sql quary to poll hitcount recored from specific policy ???
Hi all,,, I have analyzer and can anyone help me to create a daily configuration change report for managed fortigates???? thanks
Is there any issue between IPsec VPN or SSL VPN and WAN LLB ??? cuz till now i dont now how IPsec VPN will decide to get out from what interface under WAN LLB configuration