Hi, I have a problem on my FortiGate61F, I have a process called
"wad_usrinfohist" and it's using 40% of memory on its own. So my
fortinet goes to 80% memory usage and goes into conservation mode. When
I restart the fortinet, the process goes down ag...
Hi,I have a question about the fortilink. I transformed port A of my
fortinet into a classic lan port.And I use a DHCP on this port but it
does not work, I do not get any ip address (if I fix the IP address, the
network works)the DHCP does not work b...
Hello,I have a problem with a client, their network is at
192.168.1.X.They must access this network remotely through an SSL
VPN.However, the problem is that the client's home network is also on
192.168.1.X.So when they have to access a server in RDP ...
Thank you for your reply. Small question in addition when I set up this
solution, my network (lan client) lost access to the internet and I do
not understand why. Did you have this problem too ?