I realized that there is a custom 1 and custom 2 setting inside my DNS
and Antivrus web filter.Where can I find more info about this and can I
edit the settings?
I noticed that there is this dependency "Wifi Security Profile Group"
tagged to a certain web-filtering rule.However, I cannot find it in the
"address" column or the firewall rules. Can anyone clear my doubts?
Hi,Isnt forticlient a VPN client? How does it prevent users from
installing another VPN client? For number 2, allow own firewall vpn
connection, I mean the firewall and SSL and ipsec vpn configured.
Endusers should only use these VPNs and not that of...
I am an IAM user.I wish to change the password, not to reset it.For IAM
users, only adminidtrator can reset the password, but I want to change
it only.