Is there any way to properly shutdown a FortiGate-manged FortiSwitch
without having to ssh into it from the FortiGate CLI? Also, how about
doing so remotely with FortiCloud? (There's a way to reboot
FortiSwitches from the FortiGate GUI and CLI, but n...
What's the solutiuon to either allow the traffic or at least prevent the
logging of it without turning off logging in policy 0/implicit?(I tried
doing the same as the OP here, but somehow policy 0 is still being
cited, which is an inbound rule, but t...
Thanks @Markus_M, my response here is a bit slow. In terms of strictly
answering the question of the post "Native and Remote shutdown of
managed FortiSwitch? (without SSHing into it from FortiGate)", I suppose
the automation stitch to auto shut down ...
>>info about the webhook, whereas I think you mean restAPI.Yes, I
believe it ultimately comes down to how much the admin associated with
the api key can be restricted while allowing shutdown. I believe I
misremembered reading something about being ab...
Thanks for all of this info, this is really interesting in learning
about all of this. >>You shut it down, it does not start anymore because
the conditions of start are harder than conditions of runtime. This,
however, would be no different from shut...