Community,I have the following configured on the fortigate Service,
Object configurations. s-udp-1433 Custom Service TCP/0:0, UDP/1433 What
does TCP/0:0 mean in this case? Regards, Willem K.
Team,I guess most of us have seen the following message.
②logid=0100041000 type=event subtype=system level=notice vd=root
logdesc="FortiGate updated" status=update msg=" Fortigate scheduled
update fcni=yes fdni=yes fsci=yes virdb(84.00398) etdb(84.00...
@hbac with all respect, TCP/0-1:0-1 means destination port 0 till 1 :
source port 0 - 1 both TCP. So, TCP/0:0 means TCP (destination port 0
and source port 0).My concern was, is, that TCP/0:0 would basically
mean, TCP (destination port ANY and source...
Hmmm.. @AEK Thanks. good tip. Honestly, did not think of it.Okay.
Done.Once I added the "Web Access" services group the policy was being
used, Meaning the traffic did not match the TCP/0:0 filter.The question
than actually still remains.What does TCP...
Hmm.. Or perhaps the other way around, all IP address, (, all
source ports (0) and all destinations ports (0) are allowed.To ignore or
not to ignore, that the question. ;)
I did run the# diag autoupdate versionscommand.However that does not
help that much.There is still a lot of guessing.exdb no clue.what is the
difference between - Attack Definitions - Attack Extended
Definitionswhich **db is being used in these cases...