Hello team! I enabled automatic firmware upgrade yesterday in many
Fortigates for mondays, between 23:00 and 00:00 hs.Today I saw that no
one was updated.Looking up in one of them, I see the following log
generated in the time range specified for the...
Hello team!!! I have the following issue:We have many Fortigates in many
different places, some Fortigates have a L2TP/IPsec VPN, which I can
connect ussing the Windows native client, and anothers Fortigates have
an IPsec VPN, which I can connect thr...
Hello team!!!Happy new year to everyone using gregorian calendar!! I
have the following 3 questions about Fortigate:1) To block phishing I am
using web filter, is there another Fortigate feature to add, to help
blocking phishing attempts?2) Is there ...
Hello team!! I need to do the following but I dont know how.We have the
only 2 WAN connections in the same SD-WANEverything is working fine, but
now we need to specific IP range to use WAN2, and when WAN2 is down,
this specific IP range should not us...
Hello team, This time, a basic
article says "updates within the same major release", so I am wondering,
what is this "maj...
Hello team!!!I just updated to and the issue came again!I
thing this is something with my Windows, or with some FortiClient file,
which is not deleted after uninstalling FortiClient.If someone knows the
solution o have any tip, please help...
Thanks for your answer rbraha!!!I have tried this in 5 differents
Fortigates, one of these have 7.4.3, but all the others are in 7.4.4No
one is managed through FortiManagerWe do not have HA in any of this 5
Fortigates, 5/5 are standalone and only man...
Hello AEK, thanks for your answer!! I asked to one of my co-workers to
do the same: connect to FortiClient, disconnect from FortiClient, and
connect to another L2TP/IPsec VPN. He could connect successfuly.He has did the following:* Creat...
Hello AEK, thanks for your answer! I dont see any difference:
Before:Configuraci¢n IP de Windows Nombre de host. . . . . . . . . :
nb-dlozano Sufijo DNS principal . . . . . : int.gpf.com.ar Tipo de nodo.
. . . . . . . . . : h¡brido Enrutamiento IP ha...