Hi, I would like to know if it's possible to connect the VPN Remote
Access IPsec (not the site2site) in Linux? I know that for the VPN SSL I
can use openFortinet or something like that in linux, but apparently the
IPsec VPN is not supported. Another ...
We deal with a lot of costumer with most of them we have a VPN
connexion. For most of the VPN connexion type we were able to write a
script where the agent only have to type the costumer ID he wants to
call and all the current VPN connexion are shutd...
Update : I was able to use shrewsoft VPN to make it work. At first I
tried to match the config and guessing the config, but I found this tool
recently, ike-scan, and it can scan an IP address and found most of the
settings. You can also use openswan ...
I just want to give a followup. For connecting Fortigate IPsec client
connection I used ShrewSoft. It was the easiest one to configure. It
work well on linux and Windows. My initial goal was to transfer the
Linux in a gateway and perform a NAT of the...
I found an entire way of doing it. Actually I now use a window client
with Shrew Soft VPN. Regarding Linux I was able to configure strongswan,
but it's not easy to found all the config that you need. On my side, I
didn't have the access to the forti ...
I was wondering, the VPN client for IPsec seems to use xAuth for the
authentification. Do you think it's possible to use a third party client
like openswan or VPNC on linux? Thanks,