Description This article describes the minimum required permissions for
a non-administrative account, in order to join FortiNAC to the Active
Directory domain. Scope FortiNAC. Solution In Active Directory User and
Computers, create a User account tha...
Description This article describes how to identify the actions and
commands applied by FortiNAC when it is observed that it is frequently
attempting SSH logins to network switches under its control. Scope
FortiNAC. Solution Depending on the device mo...
Description This article describes the features and differencies between
the Persistent Agent and FortiClient EMS in terms of endpoint
compliance. Scope FortiNAC, Persistent Agent, FortiClient EMS. Solution
FortiNAC can leverage integrations with For...
Description This articles describes how investigate cases where
FortiSwitches in FortiLink mode are disappearing from FortiNAC
Inventory. Scope FortiNAC, FortiNAC-F. Solution This issue is presented
when there are FortiLink instabilites and disconnec...
Description This article describes how to use FortiNAC-F (NACOS) cli
commands to investigate device modeling of a switch/device and provide
the collected information to FortiNAC technical support when requesting
Device support. Scope FortiNAC-F v7.4 ...
For FortiDeceptor and FortiIsolator interactions there are no
references. There are additionally the following that might interest
you: FortiManager FortiDeceptor can be added in FortiManager: Supported
What does the output of these commands show for the switch? execute
switch-controller get-conn-status execute
switch-controller diagnose-connection Check the steps
in this article:
ZTNA has different deployment methods. Off-net (remote) clients can
still connect and traffic is intercepted by FGT who acts as a Access
proxy. This deployment method is called "ZTNA access proxy" HTTPS and
TCP access proxy solution and architecture ...
Does it list the FortiGates when checking from cli? diagnose dvm device
list In the known issues i do not notice anything directly related to
what you are experiencing.
Is there a PoE fault in the debug logs or is a power consumption issue?
How much power does the device need? Check the following articles to