FortiNAC-F is a zero-trust network access solution that provides users with enhanced visibility into the Internet of Things (IoT) devices on their enterprise networks. For legacy FortiNAC articles prior to FortiNAC-F 7.2, see FortiNAC.
Article Id 278061


The article describes how to write packets collected through tcpdump to a .pcap file that can later be shared with Fortinet Support to investigate specific issues.








  1. In the following example, the desired outcome is to enable a Packet capture on the isolation Interface to collect all traffic for a specific Isolated host.

In the FortiNAC-F CLI, enter the following:


execute tcpdump -i any host -w Testfile.pcap


  • The packets will be written to a file called Testfile.pcap. 
  • The Testfile.pcap file will be downloaded to the following path: /home/admin/.
  • The files where the packets are written with -w will automatically be saved in the /home/admin/ path.


After recreating the issue, stop the tcpdump at any time with Ctrl+C. At that point, the capture will be closed and stored in the filename specified with the -w option.


  1. Entering the shell in FortiNAC-F will make it possible to use the SCP protocol to transfer the Testfile.pcap to a path in the local or remote host as follows:


execute enter-shell
scp /home/admin/Test2.pcap user@IP_of_destination:/Location_Folder


For example: assume it is necessary to transfer the file to the local host, which is a Linux host with the IP The user should log in to this host with the 'admin' account. The directory where it is desired to save the PCAP file is /home/user1/Documents.


Note: WRITE permissions are necessary on the remote host to transfer the file.


In this example, the command would be as follows:


execute enter-shell

scp /home/admin/Test2.pcap admin@


The different options available for the tcpdump command are explained in the FortiNAC-F CLI reference.

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