Hi I just upgraded my fgt 110c from 5.0.12 to 5.2.4 (officially
supported)I notice that have the CPU usage at 99%, always (Total
Sessions: 1282 ).With 5.0.12 the CPU was 5-10% max. What might be the
causes? Thank you
Hi Thanks you. Now I'm following the Upgrade step procedures, so from
5.2 the DS reccomends to upgrade to 5.2.2 (just did it) Nopw I can see
report but I can't see my custom records (and the scheduler too is til
last week)Now i'm waiting that the run...
Hi I miss to the reports, after upg 5.0.8>5.2 I dind't understand
exactly the right procedure to recover them.I have a Backup pre-Upg, and
post-Upg of the FAZ (Faz 100C)
Hi It could be useful for us too. We can't buy a fortiautenticator (it's
not a smart and economical solution) for a couple or till 4-5 fgt units.
We would like that 'fortitoken mobile' could be assign to more than one
did you create the static route for both the fgt? (IP-Mask) Dest_add
(device) YourVPN and i' m not sure of what you put as source_add and
dest_addr of phase2. try: source_add: your local lan .0/24 (if you have
all the subnet) dest_addr: remote lan .0...
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