Hi, I want to send messages on behalf. The online documentation says:
Select Use Envelope From value for selected headers if you want to use
the Envelope From value to rewrite the Header From and/or Header
Reply-to. In my Session Profile, I activated...
Hi, I want to configure an Encryption Profile. When I choose Protocol
S/MIME, it's possible to choose Action "Encrypt and Sign". When I choose
Protocol IBE and Access method Pull the Default Action is always Encrypt
and it's not possible to choose an...
Hi,for several months we used FSSO to connect to the internet. This
worked fine for connections through a browser and with applications,
which connect to the internet. Some weeks ago we changed to kerberos
authentication, because we had much trouble ...
Hi, I use kerberos for proxy authentication. For most users it runs as
expected. But I have two problems. 1. One user isn't able to
authenticate. He always get the message "Authorization failed". klist
shows me as normal:Client: xxxxx @ xxxxx.xxxx.xx...
Thank you for your answer and the link. I went to Domain & User >
Address Map and configured an Address Map entry. When I send a mail the
entry rewrites the Header Reply-To, but not the E-Mail-Address of the
My Fortinet Partner sent a feature request, but Fortinet doesn't think
that this is an important feature. We should customize the mail as our
Corporate Design. I think, this is not secure because every user is able
to copy our Coporate Design.
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