Hi, i have a little issue on setting up my network. I have a MPLS
network provided by an isp. This network has a HQ and 3 branches. On the
short time we're going to move our app servers to a dc, but keep in HQ
AD/DNS/Fileserver. I need to create an i...
Hi, i have a little issue on setting up my network.I have a MPLS network
provided by an isp. This network has a HQ and 3 branches.On the short
time we're going to move our app servers to a dc, but keep in HQ
AD/DNS/Fileserver.I need to create an ipse...
Hi, i'm wondering if this is possible.I have a mpls connecting to remote
offices, isp handles traffic over vlan 100, so at the time i have my 4
servers and one fortigate subinterface on vlan 100.Also i have a cisco
2960 switch as a core switch connec...
Hi. i'm having issues to authenticate vpn users throught a remote ldap
server.i have created the addresses, portal, policys and everything
works fine with local users.But if i add a remote group to authenticate
i can't grant access.What i did:Under u...
Thanks for your help.I thought abount using a routing protocol, in fact,
i asked to my isp for implementation.They answer it was imposibble due
to company security policies.i guess the change has to be manual.
HI, thanks for the reply.I can't do that since i only have one interface
connecting to the mpls.If i do that when one site is down, automatically
the rest will lose connection.In branches that's what i did, but in HQ,
i believe the updates have to be...
HI, yes. that's what i'm implementing. but only that i don't have
indirect vpn. in that case i'll configure vpn over second wan against
HQ.Now that you are more interiorize with what i need i'll ask you
something.Branches will use dgd to check connec...
Sorry, now i get it. The problem is i have only one interface that is
the default gateway for the mpls, so this interface connects all branch
offices to the HQ. that's why i mentioned that if only one part of the
mpls is useless to shut down that int...