HiI am currently trying to move some users in a the right group on the
FAC, however it fails if i am attempting to move more than 30-40 at
time. is there currently a bug or is just a limitation? i am running
v4.00-build0019-20151007-patch00. thanks
HI can i limit the number of logins from a single user connecting
through an IPSEC client?all users are local to the box.
policy-auth-concurrent 1 under global settings doesn't seem to work. any
help would be appreciated. B
HI Carlthanks for coming back to me. can i use the FAC as relay for the
Fortigate? i don't have an email server so i was wandering if the FAC
can assume that role. probably not, but thought is worth to ask the
question. all i need are the local gener...