The SB mentioned in the topic states:Affected Products:FortiGate:
FG-80C, FG-80CMFortiWiFi: FW-80CMResolution:FortiOS 5.0.12 software
images for the FG-80C, FG-80CM, FW-80CM, and FW-81CM models have been
rebuilt and re-posted on the customer support ...
Looking over things I guess... Situation:WAN1 (primary address): Static
IPWAN1 (secondary address): Static IPWAN2 (primary address): Dynamic IP
From the internet I am able to ping all three IP-addresses. However,
internal users cannot.They can ping b...
Can someone help me out on this? Got a mail from our certificate
supplier about SHA1 certificates being phased out. They supplied us with
a new certificate which replaces the old one. However this certificate
is only available in .cer-format and is b...
Bob, thanks for thinking with me... Situation is like: BBBB (wan1
primary) bbbb (wan1 secondary) AAAA (internal network) CCCC (wan2
primary) Ping from AAAA to BBBB successfulPing from AAAA to CCCC
successfulPing from AAAA to bbbb unsuccessful Since B...
Create addresses representing the subnets of both the interface and the
secondary addresses.Created policies allowing all traffic:
WAN1/addrWAN1Pri - WAN1/addrWan1Secand WAN1/addrWAN1Sec -
WAN1/addrWan1Pri Still, unfortunately: id=13 trace_id=9610 ms...