Hi, Im planning to upgrade a cluster and the current version is 5.4 and
im planning to go to latest 5.6 Which method would you consider safest?
Downloading the recommended upgrade path versions and doing it manually?
or Upgrade from fortiguard follow...
Hi, Probably a dumb question but here goes. I have a vdom which receives
a 0/0 from bgp:B *> [20/0] via, xxxxx, 1d00h23m I
also have an IPSec tunnel which i want to send internet traffic to from
certain subnets, so im going to ...
Hi, I think this is what is happening: ECMP is supported for OSPF and
static routing. ECMP only works for routes that are sourced by the same
routing protocol (i.e. Static routes or OSPF).
Yes this is exactly what is happening , the FGT is picking up the static
over the bgp route though they have the same distance.Unfortunately i
have to use the BGP route for the rest of the traffic due to diversity
of the network and not go with stati...
Actually i want both routes active in the routing table. When i create
the static with the same distance as the BGP one, the static is active.
And was wondering if there is a way to have the BGP and static route
active in the routing table.