I must be missing something.I just got a nice FG101E and a Fortiswitch
424D FPOE.I ended up with the 101E because the smaller 81E was out of
stock so now I have this fun Fortiswitch with 24-ports and a nice
Fortigate with 15-ports after the Fortilink...
I'm trying to find the root cause to a throughput problem between two
Fortigate firewalls a HA pair of 900D's at the organizations main
building and a remote data center.With the help of several qualified
engineers at the remote hosting site that hos...
Thanks Ken,You managed to answer my badly formatted questions.and
hearing that my policy count didn't cause your hair light on fire was
reassuring. I'll post an update after Fortigate support is done having
me send test results-Steve
To late to benchmark.I do have a question about how the UTM performance
levels are calculated.The 900D has 32 1-GB Ports and 2 10-GB Ports and
because we purchased the 900D to do internal segmentation to limit
PCI-DSS scope. As I read the Fortigate 9...
Yes helpful and I did read this soon after it was posted. Thanks!Keep in
mind that my IPsec VPN tunnel between the two Fortigate firewalls was
over my ISP's 500/500 MB/s circuit but the fact that the 1GB P2P
(different circuit and different ISP) was ...
I have what I believe to be the same problem.an HA pair of 900D's
connecting to a Fortigate VM firewall at a remote data center using a
tested 500MBPS circuit and only getting 30-50 MBPS. We tried different
phase1 and phase2 settings nothing helps.
I wish I could get 130Mbps.I have a 900D HA Pair trying to connect to a
VM version of the Fortigate FW over a 500MBps circuit on my end and a
bigger pipe at the remote data center and I'm only getting 30-50Mbps.
Both me and the Data Center engineerin...