I did a simple exercise where I connected the two PCs to the physical
FortiGate (to port1 and port2). Then I created a rule where I set the
incoming traffic to port1 and outgoing traffic to port2 (with all other
parameters set to 'all'). I also creat...
policy:set name "port1_port3"set uuid set srcintf "port1"set dstintf
"port3"set action acceptset srcaddr "all"set dstaddr "all"set schedule
"always"set service "ALL"set logtraffic all also there is port3_port1
policy (same configuration). When I test...
Thank you! Debug didn't show any issues, looks like fortigate takes time
to load the configuaration modifications, do you mabye know why this
happends? It takes more then 1 hour
Thank you! Looks like the fortigate need some time to upload the
configuration modification, day after, the policies worked. Do you maybe
know why this happend? It takes more then 1 hour to take in the new