Has anybody ever gotten a local user db working with an explicit proxy?
on any FortiOS version? I have cfg and policy and it looks good but
every time I test it shows needs authentication. sample of the cfg I've
been testing on now 3 different fortig...
I pulled down my FML appliance a few months ago, anybody have a use for
one? I want to sell or possible donate for a good cause. It could still
be used as mail-server or mail-gateway. PM me and let me know of any
interest Ken Felix
Does anybody have a quick to just temporary disable a FGT from FMG.? I'm
not looking at unregistering. When we set the type to "none" we get the
following message " Please unregister-device from FortiManager first"
Any ideals or is this only controll...
Okay I made headway with curl but my browser is hosed up homefgt (root)
# diag wad session listSession: explicit proxy>
vd=0:0 fw-policy=1duration=0 expire=3600 session-ttl=3600s...
edit to add; 1: you might be able to control URL access by forcing the
user thru a proxy 2: you could enable CORS and limit the access even
further ============squid ===== acl apiuser_src src #
let's assume the explicit proxy src_ip == ...
You do not need documentation to trouble that and idle means exactly
that1: is the interface up2: if you or the peer telnet to port 179 do
you get a connect 3: we are assuming this a fortigate "diag sniffer
packet any 'host x.x.x.x and port 179' do y...