All, Did you experience intermittent connection when enabling IPSec
FG-FG as a backup route when MPLS is also up? Remote Site:MPLS
connection is the primary using static route w/ 10 AD and priority of
0While the IPSec is the secondary connection w/ 1...
We set-up policy base ipsec vpn on (HQ)fortigate 300c v5.2.15 and on
(RO)Fortigate 60E v5.6.11 for MPLS backup.The tunnel is up and traffic
is flowing on both site. HQ local network: Local: - This is client device...
Hi! needed help, I set-up ipsec thru fortigate and both site is now up
but there was no traffic detected.unreachable when pinging both remote
lan IP.Below is the logs when i run "diagnose debug application ike -1"
FGT60E4Q16009346 # ike 0:IPSEC - DSL...
Hi, I am working on setting up IP sec VPN site to site on each
fortigate.May question is, Do I need to use public ip address(i use ip
chicken to see my public ip) as a remote IP? Or it should be private IP
address of fortigate that is connected to WA...
Hi, I have inquiry if do i need to manually input ip address on IPSec
tunnel interface after establishing the IPSEC VPN thru fortigate?Or it
is automatically created? Attached is the topology in GNS3.
Hi, I would like to ask assistance on below issue We set-up policy base
ipsec vpn on (HQ)fortigate 300c v5.2.15 and on (RO)Fortigate 60E v5.6.11
for MPLS backup. The tunnel is up and traffic is flowing on both site.
HQ local network: R...
Hi thank you for your time. I will try your suggestion and gave you an
update. I will set port forwarding of IPSEC and NAT-T port using private
IP to PPOE DSL.Then question, how can I know if this IP(
do port forwarding already? Anothe...
Both fortigate is now connected thru ipsec even w/o tunnel ip address.Do
I still need to set ip address on tunnel interface? Scenario is, we have
MPLS as a main connection on both offices and this connection use EIGRP
routing protocol.What we need is...
Thank you Yurisk for the suggestion.We are now planning to use the 2nd
scenario which is to use dynamic routing on each site for IPSec line. I
have question cause I'm not familiar in redistribution of routes thru
Fortigate.can you give me example on ...