Hi All,I am new to Forticlient VPN GUI, there is no option for users to
configure split Tunnel details when user select's Options as "Mode
config".The Same is available for the "Manual Set/ DHCP Over
IPSec.Please let me know how to configure the same...
Hi All,I am new to this forum, I am trying to setup VPN connection
between Nokia 7750 SR router to FortiClient VPN,below are the config
settings. Please note:- This issue happen only Option DHCP is selected,
the VPN tunnel comes up correctly when man...
Hi Johnathan, Thanks for your quick reply,For only the Option as "Mode
Config", the client get Split Tunnel data(Which Subnets that need to be
routed via Tunnel) form FortiGate. On other case "Manul Set/ DHCP Over
IPSec", the end client need to confi...
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