Hello, I'm having issues with my wireless clients and ping times to the
firewall and vice versa. I'm using 80C with FP221B-v5.2-build216 both
running 5.2.1. I have two APs with only like 10 users and only 2-4
wireless clients. The ping times are horr...
Phuoc Ngo wrote:We upgrade to EMS 1.2.2 and Foriticlient version got
upgrade to 5.6.2. The issue we encounter is users does not have the
option to enter their username and password under IPsec VPN tunnel.
Support confirmed there is a known bug on EMS...
Chris.Lin wrote:midnightz, how did you install 5.2.4, upgrade or
uninstall/re-install? did you ping an IP or FQDN? I ran the update to
5.2.4. Did not do a clean uninstall/re-install. I ping by IP and
nothing. No icmp, no any kind of traffic. Update: ...
I'm having an issue where my SSL connections do not work via the
forticlient but IPSec connections do. I've upgraded windows to 10 64bit
and installed 5.2.4 on top of 5.2.3. I've used the fcremove.exe to clean
up the installs, I've even scoured throu...
Bromont wrote: Yes.... WPA2 Enterprise pointing to your Radius server
profile This is exactly what I'm looking for! Thank you for that link.
Now is there a document I can follow to set up the Radius server the
right way?
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