Hi there, I'm experiencing this strange issue with a customer, where SSL
VPN works flawlessly for any PC not connected to the client's local
Active Directory Domain, but any corporate laptop connected to the
Domain cannot pass any traffic. Same usern...
Hello, I'm encountering an issue with a Fortigate. When I enable an SSL
VPN Policy, using the SSL VPN as the source interface and many
destination interfaces with destination IPs, the CPU usage jumps to 97%
instantly. When I disable that policy, it g...
Hello, I've noticed in the SSL Inspection rules that the default is read
only, but while surfing the web, I notice certain sites were having
their certs re-written with Fortinet's Cert. One such site was the
Canadian Ontario site lcbo.com. I noticed ...
emnoc wrote:Okay let's define "readonly", that is a non-modify pre-can
profile. It uses ""Fortinet_CA_SSL" by default? It does deep-inspection.
If you are doing deep inspection that means, you are inspecting and
removing SSL/TLS to inspect. If you ar...