Do you know if it's possible to use the "cfg-save revert" command on a
Fortigate in such a way that the firewall WON'T reboot when the timer
period expires? i.e. are there any other config settings which can be
changed so that the config will just re...
We have two pairs of Fortinet firewalls in HA mode, one pair in each of
our two data centers. The firewalls are 600E's running 6.4.7GA.We
require each cluster to have an IP address on the same VLAN. One cluster
has an IP of and one cluster h...
HiI am planning an upgrade of two (HA Pair) of 600E firewalls. They are
currently 6.08 and I will need to go through several steps to get them
to required version 6.4.5.My question is- would it be safer to shut down
the switch ports on the secondary ...
Yes the 40F is also running 6.4.7. The change I made was to add a static
route. The 600E firewalls though are running as an HA pair and unlike
the 40F have multiple VDOMs. Perhaps that's why a reboot is necessary?
Thanks for your reply. I suspected that was the case, although it's a
bit annoying as I CAN revert my Juniper SRX and even my Cisco switches
without a reboot. (also strangely enough I can do the same with my
Fortigate 40F).