Hello everyone. Please forgive me. I am a noob when it comes to tunnels
and fortigates and I've been tasked with building one out, so I could
use any help I can get. Here is what I have-Fortigate Cloud VM
connecting to various tunnels of end clients....
Good afternoon and please forgive me for dumb questions. In my defense,
this is my first venture into Fortigate so this might be a simple issue
to fix. I have a tunnel coming in that is being nat'd. I have created
vips for my 10.10.x.x nodes that the...
I've confirmed no mismatches. I think it is routing or something
related. I guess my question is this.. How do I set up my natted
encryption domain of (example) to pass traffic through to
my 10.x networks within the vpcs? I have 4 subn...
Thanks for relying Deborah,You are correct. I did add the rule with no
success. I can ping the endpoints. I can't seem to get the traffic to
flow over the tunnel in either direction. Phase 1 is up Phase 2 isn't
but settings match on both sides. Do I ...
Thanks for responding. I spun up a fortigate appliance in GCloud. I have
multiple tunnels coming in and only need to touch two load balancers.
Those IPs are and I've assigned them virtual nat
ips from the appliance or 34.10.20....