Anyone know the solution and the reason to the fail of FortiAP on
deleting WLAN Interface? Physical AP error on deleting WLAN Interface/
AP fail to delete WLAN Interface logdesc="Physical AP error"
action="ap-error" reason="80211 WLAN DEL error" msg=...
Actualy my FortiAP231F was leaving, joing and reseting correct. The
FortiGate Controller leave, join and reset the APs in the some
situations of FortiAP error, like 80211 WLAN DEL error (Log ID
0104043613).I setted up no images to upgrade the APs O.S...
@adambomb1219 The APs was offline and the Wi-Fi Networks weren't
transmited. FACTSThe APs was acessible by SSH and HTTPS;They still
powred on;The FortiGate Controller could reset, leave, and join the
APs;The FortiGate Controller couldn't on AP "DEL t...
Have anyone discover the solution to the fail of FortiAP on deleting
WLAN Interface?Physical AP error on deleting WLAN Interface/ AP fail to
delete WLAN Interface logdesc="Physical AP error" action="ap-error"
reason="80211 WLAN DEL error" msg="Error ...