hello I want to configure the DHCP server of my 80F firewall, for this
purpose I need to set options 60, 66 and 67,especially for options 67 I
can't set it via the web interface, it recamnds me to use the CLI
console.i followed this technical tips Te...
the output is Fortigate # show system dhcp server config system dhcp
server edit 2 set ntp-service local set default-gateway set
netmask set interface "fortilink" config ip-range edit 1
set start-ip set end-ip 16...
yes the interface is UP and running, with GUI, and th DHCP is ready,
when I try to set option 67, i have a warning, with CLI it tell me to
set interface attribute This option may not function correctly. It
should be set using the CLI attribute: filen...