greetings friend,I created an IPsec tunnel named OL_INET_AZ, and it was
added to an SD-WAN zone. but there is NO SD-WAN rule using this IPsec
tunnel as the outgoing interface. there are 3 static routes:S [10/0] via, port17, [1/0]...
greetings all,I created two SLAs, they have the same settings (same
interface participants, same SLA target, same link status metrics) but
only with different detect server (probing target). SLA 1 probing
10.74.a,b, SLA 2 probing 172.29.x.y. And, I a...
greetings guys,I am trying to understand how the sd-wan performance SLA
probing traffic (for example, Ping/ICMP) is steered.I have configured
the SD-WAN performance SLA, two member interfaces are selected in the
SLA, let's say, port1 (MPLS in the pic...
greetings guys, we use fortigate with firmware 7.2.10 I have an
interesting topic. I am in a global organization with 4 sites globally.
One is in China, the rest 3 are in Sweden, a totally free Internet
world. My colleague in China site wants to acce...
greetings all, I got the information as following from FortiSwitch, what
is an Internal port and the usual reason why it shows so much drops?
Port(internal) is Admin up, line protocol is upInterface Type is Pass
Through without PHYAddress is E8:ED:D6...
thanks,this is a hybrid environment. We are monitoring the reachability
to Azure.Could you elaborate a bit more?In my case, we applied 2 SLA
under the same SD-WAN rule. Could you please help to review the post
from Dhruvin_pate down below your post? ...
great explanation, thanks a lot, we are almost there. Can you please
review my thought here?In practice, it seems both way :multi probing
detect server configured under the same performance SLA, and use the
single SLA under sd-wan rule;or single prob...
thanks AEK for your great help,so, what could be the possible solution
for this?one interesting thing is that if I do nslookup
with my organization's DNS server, it will be resolved to Who did this abn...
thanks wmichael, due to some specific reason, we do not enable "Update
Static Route" when link becomes inactive upon 5 consecutive probing
failure. Will the link be down if 5 consecutive probing failure but the
Packet Loss in SLA targets is still les...