My concern is: we have one physical Forti 60F that currently run the
following network: on port 2 connected to Cisco Switch1
and We are looking to run network on port 5 trunking with
Cisco Switch2 Once I try to connect t...
Here is NAP-000270 (virtual-switch) # showconfig system
virtual-switchedit "internal"set physical-switch "sw0"config portedit
Sounds correct, thank you Toshi. here is the config config system
interfaceedit "wan1"set vdom "root"set ip
allowaccess ping https ssh httpset type physicalset alias "wan1"set
lldp-reception enableset lldp-transmission ...
Internal2 is configured as Access port from SW1==>FG port2, there is no
vlan, no sub interface implemented; then we want now to implement sub
interface with multiple VLAN by using Port5 ===> TRUNK SW2. Sorry, I
disconnect all connection on the port s...