FortiSIEM Discussions
Contributor II

A Collector needs to martial Linux agents and Windows agents.


Should two proxy files be run?


How should all this be executed for the different OS's?


Is there one proxy conf file that handles both system types? or do I run two different conf files.



The linux proxy is supposed to look like this :


ProxyPass /phoenix/rest/register/linuxAgent https://{actual IP address of the Supervisor node}/phoenix/rest/register/linuxAgent

ProxyPassReverse /phoenix/rest/register/linuxAgent https://{actual IP address of the Supervisor node}/phoenix/rest/register/linuxAgent


ProxyPass /phoenix/rest/linuxAgent/update https://{actual IP address of the Supervisor node}/phoenix/rest/linuxAgent/update

ProxyPassReverse /phoenix/rest/linuxAgent/update https://{actual IP address of the Supervisor node}/phoenix/rest/linuxAgent/update


SSLProxyEngine on

SSLProxyVerify none

SSLProxyCheckPeerCN off

SSLProxyCheckPeerExpire off



The Windows Proxy is supposed to look like this

ProxyPass /phoenix/rest/register/windowsAgent https://<Supervisor IP Address>/phoenix/rest/register/windowsAgent
ProxyPassReverse /phoenix/rest/register/windowsAgent https://<Supervisor IP Address>/phoenix/rest/register/windowsAgent
ProxyPass /phoenix/rest/windowsAgent/update https://<Supervisor IP Address>/phoenix/rest/windowsAgent/update
ProxyPassReverse /phoenix/rest/windowsAgent/update https://<Supervisor IP Address>/phoenix/rest/windowsAgent/update
SSLProxyEngine on
SSLProxyVerify none
SSLProxyCheckPeerCN off
SSLProxyCheckPeerExpire off

#Required for upgrade Windows Agent on FortiSIEM 6.4.0+

ProxyPass /WinAgentUpgrade/FSMLogAgent.exe https://<Supervisor IP Address>/WinAgentUpgrade/FSMLogAgent.exe
ProxyPassReverse /WinAgentUpgrade/FSMLogAgent.exe https://<Supervisor IP Address>/WinAgentUpgrade/FSMLogAgent.exe

ProxyPass /WinAgentUpgrade/AutoUpdate.exe https://<Supervisor IP Address>/WinAgentUpgrade/AutoUpdate.exe
ProxyPassReverse /WinAgentUpgrade/AutoUpdate.exe https://<Supervisor IP Address>/WinAgentUpgrade/AutoUpdate.exe

#Required for Windows Agent 5.0.0 or later

ProxyPass /phoenix/rest/device/update https://<Supervisor IP Address>/phoenix/rest/device/update
ProxyPassReverse /phoenix/rest/device/update https://<Supervisor IP Address>/phoenix/rest/device/update

#Required for Windows Agent 7.1.0 or later

ProxyPass /phoenix/rest/osquery/result https://<Supervisor IP Address>/phoenix/rest/osquery/result
ProxyPassReverse /phoenix/rest/osquery/result https://<Supervisor IP Address>/phoenix/rest/osquery/result



Can some one please enlighten me? are we meant to run two different files? or somehow make one file with an if than else that looks at the OS?


Thanks in advance all!



Karl Henning, Security Engineer, CISSP
Karl Henning, Security Engineer, CISSP


Thank you for using the Community Forum. I will seek to get you an answer or help. We will reply to this thread with an update as soon as possible.


Stephen - Fortinet Community Team