FortiVoice delivers integrated calling, conferencing, chat and fax.
Article Id 325758


Description This article describes that in some scenarios, it is possible to see how much disk space is available to diagnose issues such as FortiVoice not generating new logs or not saving the call recordings.
Scope FortiVoice v7.0.x.

Go to Dashboard -> Status and review the log and storage disk information.



It is also possible to get the information from the command:


get system status
Version: FortiVoice-2000F v7.0.2(GA), build201, 2024.03.13 (Debug)
Architecture: 64-bit
BIOS version: 0002TST2
Log disk: Capacity 181 GB, Used 124 MB (0.07%), Free 181 GB<--
Storage disk: Capacity 730 GB, Used 31 GB (4.29%), Free 699 GB<--
HA configured mode: primary
HA effective mode: primary
Branch point: 201
Uptime: 69 days 21 hours 4 minutes
Last reboot: Thu Mar 14 17:50:24 EDT 2024
System time: Thu May 23 14:54:39 EDT 2024

It is possible to get additional information about the disk using the command:


diagnose hardware sysinfo df
System Time:
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
none 0 0 0 - /proc
sysfs 0 0 0 - /sys
devtmpfs 1.0G 6.2M 1018M 1% /dev
none 0 0 0 - /dev/pts
/dev/sdc1 371M 201M 170M 55% /data
/dev/md2 182G 2.8G 170G 2% /var/log
/dev/md3 731G 92G 603G 14% /var/spool