FortiSIEM provides Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) and User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA)
Article Id 302895
Description This article describes how to troubleshoot issues related to the '/' (root) partition being full.
Scope FortiSIEM

Check and verify the space in the root partition using the following command:


df -h


Mount the root  partition with /mnt:


mount -o bind / /mnt


Change the directory to /mnt:


cd /mnt


Run the following command to check what is utilizing more space in /mnt:


du --max-depth=3 -xh /mnt | sort -hr | head -n 20


Analyze the directory and the content occupying a larger space.


Take a backup or copy content using the following rsync command:


rsync -a --progress /<source_directory> /<destination_directory>


Replace /<source_directory>, /<destination_directory> with the actual source and destination directory without the <,> symbols


Remove the content of the source directory using the following command. This will free up space occupied by larger directories present in the / partition.


rm -rf <source_directory>/*


Check again for the space available in the root partition.


df -h


Finally, when there is a sufficient amount of space available in the root partition, unmount the root partition from /mnt:


cd ~

umount /mnt
