This article describes how to troubleshoot when the FortiSIEM Image Server upload image is not functioning after the image is finished loading.
In ForitSIEM GUI, go under Admin -> Settings -> Image Server. It provides users the option to upload images of Collectors, Windows Agents, and Linux Agents for mass upgrade.
After finishing loading, users should see the zip file shown in the GUI. Besides, users can further check the backend of FortiSIEM at the path below to verify the image is uploaded to FortiSIEM Supervisor successfully:
#ls -la /opt/phoenix/WinAgentUpgrade
In some cases, users may face issues where the image uploaded is not found in the GUI or CLI after finishing loading. No error will be shown in the GUI and the GUI remain empty. Hence, users need to open the browser debug to troubleshoot further and should see the error below:
It indicates the image file exceeded the HTTP size and failed to upload via the GUI. Hence, users need to apply the solution below:
- Go to path below:
#cd /etc/httpd/conf.d/
- Edit file below:
#vi mod_security.conf
- Increase the value below:
SecRequestBodyLimit 1000000000
SecRequestBodyNoFilesLimit 131072
SecRequestBodyInMemoryLimit 131072
SecRequestBodyLimitAction Reject
SecRequestBodyLimit 2147483648
SecRequestBodyNoFilesLimit 2147483648
SecRequestBodyInMemoryLimit 2147483648
SecRequestBodyLimitAction ProcessPartial
- Save the file:
After that, users can try to upload the images again.
A clear browser cache is recommended to apply the latest value.
Related documents:
Technical Tip: How to upgrade collectors from the FortiSIEM Image Server Page