FortiSIEM provides Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) and User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA)
Article Id 304400
Description This article describes how to register the Linux agent with the Supervisor and how to troubleshoot.
Before going through this documentation, review the document links below to verify that the correct Linux agent package is for the version of the registered FortiSIEM.

Scope Linux Agent 6.x, 7.x, 7.1.x, 7.2.x.
Supervisor 6.x.x, 7.0.x, 7.1.x, 7.2.x.



  • From FortiSIEM - Create a new agent user account:
    • For Enterprise: Go to CMDB -> Users -> FortiSIEM Users -> New -> Add User Name, Select the pencil icon beside System Admin, checkmark Agent Admin, add password, and Save.
    • For Service Provider: Go to Global View -> Admin -> Setup -> Organization -> Select the Organization -> Edit -> Agent User: Enter a username, Agent Password: Enter a password -> Save.
      • Collect the Organization's information from Admin -> Setup -> Organization (Organization Name and Organization ID).

  • From Linux Host: 



    • Run the Installation script:

bash fortisiem-linux-agent-installer-7.x.xxxxxxsh -s <SUPER_IP> -i <ORG_ID> -o <ORG_NAME> -u <AGENT_USER> -p <AGENT_PWD> -n <HOST_NAME>

    • If all the Prerequisites are correct, the script will register the agent successfully.

If the script finds an issue, it will prompt an error message indicating the cause of the failure.




There are 3 main reasons for the registration to fail:

  1. Package requirements are not installed in the host or the OS version is not supported.
  2. Registration information is incorrect. This includes Supervisor IP/FDQN, username, password, Orgname, and OrgID.
  3. Connection issues include network configuration/communication on port 443, NAT, SSL inspection, external firewall rules blocking, and certificate configuration. Etc.


  • Review the Debugging information available in two log files:


If error codes 401 and 403 are found, review registration information, such as the ORG name, ORG ID, agent username, and password. If necessary, create a new agent user account.


  • Check supervisor logs to verify the host connection. SSH to Supervisor:

cat /etc/httpd/logs/ssl_access_log | grep <host_IP>



Review the HTTP status code.

  • Leave the tail command running in Supervisor and run the installation in the host:

tail -f /opt/glas*/dom*/dom*/logs/phoenix.log     <- Registration log entries will be received.


For example:




If no registration logs are showing in the phoenix.log, the host is not reaching the Supervisor on port 443. Check network configuration.