FortiSIEM Discussions
New Contributor

Integration fsiem and Jira

I am trying integrate fortisiem and Jira! but I cannot do

New Contributor II

which version? what kind of error are you getting?

New Contributor

The fortisiem version is 7.0.3 and it is Jira Cloud, I get this error Result: ERROR: JIRA_IO - Invalid origin instance. Please enter a correct project name
Jira1:Incident: No items are loaded.

New Contributor III

You will probably notice that the "Issue Type" under Integration Policy -> Field Mapping is greyed out.

If that's the case, please create an API token at


Copy the API token code after you created it, and set it as the Password under the Integration Policy itself. :)

You can find these steps in 7.0.3 Administration Guide, but it's a bit vagely described and doesn't specifically say to use the API token as the Password:


Configuring Jira for FortiSIEM Integration

Before configuring Jira, you must log in to your Jira account and create an API Key. Follow these steps.

  1. Log in to your Jira account.
  2. Create an API Key.
  3. Use the GUI user name and API Key in FortiSIEM.

When done, you will have the option to set the Issue Type and all other mappings.

New Contributor II

To integrate FortiSIEM with Jira, you'll first need to set up Jira's REST API. Once that's configured, FortiSIEM can send incidents as tasks to Jira. A common issue people face during this process is ensuring both systems communicate properly via the API.


Once that's all good, you can define what type of incidents from FortiSIEM will automatically create tasks in Jira. You may also want to consider using jira issue templates to standardize the format of tasks created, making it easier to categorize and manage them in Jira.

New Contributor

Integrating FSIEM with Jira can be super helpful for keeping everything organized. I’ve found that having a clear view of your security incidents alongside project management makes a big difference. To get started, make sure both systems are set up correctly. You can use tools like APIs to connect them or check if there’s a plugin that fits your needs.
Once everything's linked, you can start tracking incidents in your Jira projects. I’ve heard that how to create roadmap in jira helps visualize your goals and tasks. It’s pretty simple to set up! You can use it to prioritize incidents based on urgency and impact, which keeps the team on the same page.