FortiSIEM Discussions

FortiSIEM Collector Upgrade Issue


I upgraded supervisor from 7.0.2 to 7.1.1. When I want to use Collector, I get the error "Operation timed out. Collector is not responding." What is the reason? Image is installed, but I cannot action>download.




Ekran gƶrĆ¼ntĆ¼sĆ¼ 2024-01-23 150326.png


@Gerkhan can you confirm

1) What version your Super is on
2) What version the Collector was on prior to upgrading

New Contributor

I upgraded the Super from to succesfully. The Collector version is also and i would like to upgrade to The popup window says, that the upgrade was successful, but the version not changed in Admin>Health>Collector Health window.




This is because collector is not responding to the request sent from Super
Make sure collector can resolve correct Super hostname Admin > License > Node > The hostname for super from this page - Collector needs to have DNS record for this hostname 


I have already added the hostname and the IP address to /etc/hosts, or do you mean something else? 


Hi Gerkhan,


So my update was for the "Collector is not responding" error

In your case - the upgrade is happening but the version is not getting updated 
When you run on the collector - You notice same version ?
If yes, then there could be an issue with uploaded image - You can re-upload the image to Super in Image server
After this on Super check if the image version is correct here - /opt/phoenix/CollectorUpgrade

Once you download image and run install image to the collector - Check the logs from /opt/phoenix/log/ -- Here you can find a log for the upgrade when it is triggered which should give more information about the failure


If i run on the Collector VM, i see the oldel versin, so the update was not successful. In /opt/phoenix/CollectorUpgrade i see a zip file with the correct version, and when i click Dowenload Image in the GUI, the correct zip file will be in the Collector's folder. If i cilck the Install Image the zip will be unzipped, but the upgrade is not happening. 


When you click on Install image - If the upgrade task takes less time that is withint 5 mins - It shows as task finsihed then you need to check the md5sum on the collector /opt/upgrade/ - match this checksum from support site and also form the image on Super at  /opt/phoenix/CollectorUpgrade

If the image is correct but still you have an issue , you can check the logs here after the upgrade attempt /opt/phoenix/log/collector-upgrade.log
This should provide you some clue 


The Install image proccess is only took 90 seconds. We checked the md5sum-s, and there are matching. In the /opt/phoenix/log/collector-upgrade.log there is only one Error, but i can see this in multiple lines.I checked the phoenix_config.txt file, it exists and the appropriate permissions are set.
[PH_UTIL_PHOENIX_CONFIG_ITEM_MISSING]:[eventSeverity]=PHL_ERROR,[procName]=phtools,[fileName]=phConfigurations.cpp,[lineNumber]=157,[propName]=phMonitorSupervisor,[phLogDetail]=Could not find item in phoenix_config.txt


Hi @Gerkhan 

We require complete logs to see the upgrade flow 
As the upgrade happens in 90 seconds it just goes for restart 

I suspect the image or unzip issues - Do you have a ticket for this ? I think it's best to be on session and fix this . If yes, then please provide me the ticket id


Hi @Goutham_FTNT @Gerkhan 


has this problem been solved?