FortiManager supports network operations use cases for centralized management, best practices compliance, and workflow automation to provide better protection against breaches.
Article Id 367439
Description This article describes how to clear FortiGate BGP sessions using FortiManager TCL Scripts.
Scope FortiManager, FortiGate.

Follow the initial steps from this article on how to enable and run TCL scripts in FortiManager:

Technical Tip: How to use TCL script...existing route. 


Go to Device Manager -> Scripts, select type TCL Script and select 'Create new'.


Create the following TCL script:


proc do_cmd {cmd} {
puts [exec "$cmd\n" "# "]
# Execute command to get system status
set status [exec "get system status\n" "# " 15]
# Check if VDOM is disabled
if {[regexp {Virtual domain configuration: disable} $status]} {
set vdom_enabled false
} else {
set vdom_enabled true
# Enter VDOM Mode if VDOM enabled
if {$vdom_enabled} {
do_cmd "config vdom"
do_cmd "edit root"
# Performaing BGP route reset
do_cmd "execute router clear bgp all soft"


  • The script can be run on multiple FortiGates at once.
  • In case VDOMs are enabled on the FortiGate(s), on line #22 set the desired VDOM.
  • Line #27 will send that execute command to the FortiGate(s) to perform a soft reset on both the received and the advertised BGP routes.
  • For detailed information about other reset options, refer to the article: Technical Tip: How to clear BGP Sessions, and change the command in line #27 per requirement.

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Tcl scripts.
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