FortiMail provides advanced, multi-layer protection against the full spectrum of email-borne threats
Article Id 381871
Description This article describes how to limit the number of subscribed users in FortiMail API mode by filtering them by Group membership.
Scope FortiMail, FortiMail Cloud with Microsoft 365 API.

When FortiMail works in Office 365 API mode, in some cases, either due to licensing restrictions or because it is necessary to inspect the mailboxes of specific users (and not all the tenant users), it is possible to create a group (or several groups) that contains all these users and create a filter in the account settings in FortiMail only for this Group.


The option System-> Account -> Account -> View user list, shows the current number of subscribed users (mailbox inspection can be applied):

fml api office 365 user list before filter.png


To add the filter, in the option System -> Account -> Account -> Edit, a new 'User Filter Setting' entry should be created:

fml api office 365 account.png


In the user filter setting, set field Type to 'Azure AD Group (MS465 only)' and the field Defined to 'custom', in the blank field type 'id'. Copy the Group-ID property value from Office 365 and paste it into the field 'Value':

 fml api office 365 user filter setting.png


Enable the user filter setting, select Create, and then OK.

After this, the View user list option will show the list of users that belong to the Group, and only these users are categorized as subscribed:

fml api office 365 user list after filter.png


Multiple filters can be created as needed.