FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 195536

This article describes the scenario where the FortiGuard Web Filtering option "Rate URLs by domain and IP address" is enabled.

In this situation, the rating response from an FortiGuard Distribution Server (FDS) for a particular URL might differ from its IP address. This is very common in scenarios of Virtual Hosting, where one IP address of one physical server will host multiple services and URLs.

Therefore, if the IP address rating belongs to a blocked category, the access to the URL will be blocked regardless of the rating of the URL.


  • How to check if an URL gets two different ratings, one for the IP address, and one for URL
  • How to look for categories numbers
  • How to make live verification of rating response :


How to check if an URL gets two different ratings, one for the IP address, and one for URL

Use the following command to dump the FortiGuard WEB cache:
diag test application urlfilter 3    (Only works if WEB filtering cache is enabled)

Example of output:

diagnose test application urlfilter 3

Saving to file [/tmp/urcCache.txt]

Cache Contents:


Cache Mode:   TTL

Cache DB Ver: 93.4437

Domain |IP       DB Ver T URL

29000000|34000000 93.4437 E

34000000|34000000 13.28635 E

  • In the above example, the domain is in category (Hex) 29, while the IP address is in category (Hex) 34.
  • The numbers above are given in hexadecimal, while in the FortiGate CLI configuration, the numbers are displayed in decimal. The domain will therefore be in category Hex34 = Dec52 (see example of category below , 52 = Information Technology).
How to look for category numbers:

The numbers displayed in the columns IP and domains are the rating resulting returned by the FortiGuard servers. The corresponding categories can be retrieved as explained in the related article: FortiGuard Web Filtering Category and Classification numbers / FortiGate configuration and troublesh....

config firewall profile
edit TEST
(TEST) get
ftgd-wf-enable      :
  g01 Potentially Liable:
      1 Drug Abuse
      2 Occult
      3 Hacking
      4 Illegal or Unethical
      5 Racism and Hate
      6 Violence
     57 Marijuana
     58 Folklore
  g07 Business Oriented:
     49 Business
     50 Information and Computer Security
     51 Government and Legal Organizations
     52 Information Technology
     53 Armed Forces

How to make a live verification of rating response:

Use the following CLI commands to check the rating requests and responses:
diag debug enable
diag debug application urlfilter -1        ( stop it :  diag debug application urlfilter 0 )
## id=93000 msg="pid=57 urlfilter_main-723 in main.c received pkt:count=91, a=/tmp/.thttp.socket/21" id=22009 msg="received a request /tmp/.thttp.socket, addr_len=21: d= =", id=12853, vfid=0, type=0, client=, url=/" id=99501 user="N/A" src= sport=1321 dst=<dest_ip> dport=80 service="http" cat=43 cat_desc=“Organisation" hostname="" url="/" status=blocked msg="URL belongs to a denied category in policy"
Tested on v7.0 and later:
 Web Filter Configuration: Job Search category is set to block for demonstration.
2024-09-20 18 52 56.png


Upon accessing, the page is blocked. The category is Job Search.

Perform an NSlookup:


Non-authoritative answer:


Check the category on the FortiGate:


Security Profiles -> Web Rating Overrides -> Create New -> Enter URL -> Lookup rating.


2024-09-20 18 56 02.png

2024-09-20 18 56 23.png

diag webfilter fortiguard cache dump
Caution: This command is for diagnostic purposes ONLY. The bigger the cache size is set, the more impact on performance the command has.
Do you want to continue? (y/n)y

Saving to file [/tmp/urcCache.txt]

Cache Contents:
Cache Mode: TTL
Cache DB Ver: 233.50234


22000000|22000000 233.50234 0 0 00000001 P Ahttp://
21000000|21000000 233.50234 1 0 00000001 P A



22 Hex is 34 in Decimal

21 Hex is 33 in Decimal


get webfilter categories | grep 34
34 Job Search

get webfilter categories | grep 33
33 Health and Wellness



If the rating for an IP address blocks access to a site, the solution is to disable “Rate URLs by domain and IP address”. Alternatively, the IP address can be overridden to a different category that is allowed.

Related articles

Rate site by URL and IP address

Verify the webfilter cache content 

Troubleshooting FortiGuard

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