FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 294449
Description This article describes how to debug the Video Filter when a YouTube filter is not working correctly.
Scope FortiGate, FortiOS 7.0.x and 7.2+.
  1. Double-check the video filter configuration settings.

  2. Ensure that traffic matched the expected firewall policy.

diag sys session filter cl
diag sys session filter src <IP address>
diag sys session list | grep policy_id


Screenshot 2024-01-16 110213.png


Screenshot 2024-01-16 110529.png


  1. Make sure that the API key is configured correctly.

sh full | grep -f <API key>


Screenshot 2024-01-16 110734.png


  1. Double-check the channel ID as well.

sh full | grep -f <channel_ID>


Screenshot 2024-01-16 111012.png


  1. Clear the browser cache and reload the video again. 
  2. Confirm block/allow YouTube videos/channels using web filter event logs (FortiGate GUI -> Log & Report -> Security Events -> Web Filter Events). The following images represents an allowed and blocked video web filter log, respectively:






     7. Additional debug commands can be collected using the following FortiGate CLI commands:


diagnose wad debug enable level verbose

diagnose wad debug enable category video

diagnose debug enable

# Stop the debugs after generating traffic to YouTube

diagnose debug reset