FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 294435
Description This article describe how to troubleshoot the SNMPv2 error message 'failed to match community'
Scope FortiGate.

Start Debugging SNMP:


diagnose debug reset
diagnose debug application snmpd -1
diagnose debug console timestamp enable
diagnose debug enable


After enabling the above commands, initiate connectivity from the SNMP manager/server.


Consider an example where the name of the SNMP community is defined as the following, for example: xHdt@hb#$gsj@0.

The error message in SNMP debugging will appear as follows:


Sample error message in debug:


snmpd: </msg> 0

snmpd: checking if community "xHdt@hb#" is valid

snmpd: full name mismatched
snmpd: failed to match community " xHdt@hb#"


Here, the $ sign in the name is not being processed, which results in a mismatch of the name between FortiGate and the SNMP server: in other words, it is trying to match 'xHdt@hb#' instead of 'xHdt@hb#$gsj@0'. To resolve this, remove the $ sign from the name of community then restart the SNMP demon with the following command:


diagnose test application snmpd 99


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