FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 282367
Description This article describes how to solve an issue where, when trying to add a new license for a FortiAnalyzer, a popup appears with the error 'Failed to update VM License'.
Scope FortiGate VM, FortiAnalyzer.

FortiGate will display error 'License is invalid for the current VM Configuration' when trying to upload a license file for a FortiAnalyzer in FortiGate.


The popup 'failed to update VM license' appears:





Execute 'get system status' to validate SN and license status:

get system status
Version: FortiGate-VM64 v7.0.9,build0444,221121 (GA.M)
Virus-DB: 1.00000(2018-04-09 18:07)
Extended DB: 1.00000(2018-04-09 18:07)
INDUSTRIAL-DB: 6.00741(2015-12-01 02:30)
IPS Malicious URL Database: 1.00001(2015-01-01 01:01)
License Status: Invalid




It is not possible to install the license of another product on the FortiGate VM even when the expiration date is still active.

Use a valid FortiGate license for the Firewall.


Run the following CLI command to verify the status of the VM license and using information mentioned in 'code' and 'status' field to find out the reason for invalid license status:


diagnose hardware sysinfo vm full





A code value outside of the 2xx-3xx range usually indicates a license issue is ongoing. If the license is managed by FortiFlex, the code value ranges will be different (1,57,58..etc). Consult this document to find more information to determine the status of the VM license including FortiFlex using the value of fields such as 'code', 'status' and 'valid'.