FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 274050
Description This article describes how to troubleshoot if the DNS Filter Rating Server is visible as unreachable.
Scope FortiGate v7.0+.

The DNS Filter rating server is visible as unreachable under Network -> DNS settings, follow these steps for troubleshooting:


Check the status of the FortiGuard server on this link:

FortiGuard SDNS Monitor


If the status is down or incidents are reported, change the DNS server from Fortiguard to a public DNS server.


Change DNS settings.
To do this, go to Network -> DNS, choose 'Specify' and enter the public DNS IP (eg or and ensure UDP/53 is enabled and TLS is disabled.


DNS Settings.JPG


Change the FortiGuard settings, open a CLI window, and type these commands if located in the US:


config system fortiguard

     set fortiguard-anycast disable
     set protocol udp
     set port 53
     set update-server-location usa 
     set sdns-server-ip ""


If located outside the US, then type these commands:


config system fortiguard

    set fortiguard-anycast disable
    set protocol udp
    set port 53
    set update-server-location automatic
    set sdns-server-ip ""


The SDNS server is located in California, US. The server is located in London, UK.


Check Fortiguard DNS Rating Server License. In the CLI Console, run the command:


diagnose test application dnsproxy 3

Output 1:


license valid.png


From the above output :


Server IP: and
Expiry Date: 2024-11-13
Expired Flag: expired=0 <----- This means the license is not expired.
Type: type=2 <----- The type of license, specific to Fortinet's classification.

Output 2:





For this server:


Server IP:
Expiry Date: 0000-00-00 <----- This indicates an invalid or unspecified expiry date.
Expired Flag: expired=1 <----- This means the license is expired.
Type: type=0 <----- The type of license, specific to Fortinet's classification, but 0 might indicate an invalid or unclassified type.

Check the expiry date under the LICENSE line and make sure it is not expired.