FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 194289
This article provides useful diagnostics commands for troubleshooting NTrubo related issues.

Debug command:

fnsysctl cat /proc/nturbo/<n>/drv                                  <------  '<n>' is the NTurbo ID.
# fnsysctl cat /proc/nturbo/0/drv
Turbo interface ID: 0
Driver RX/TX:      0/0
TX hang:        No
Free/Used buffers:   48128/8192
Alloc fail:     0, Bad qid:     0
queue ready: 0x0000001f, 0x00000000

RXQ_0(0,374): IN 0 OUT 0 DROP 0 NRDY 0 Fullness 0, Peak 0
TXQ_0(0,374): IN 0 OUT 0 DROP 0 USR_DROP 0 BUFERR 0
RXQ_1(2,375): IN 0 OUT 0 DROP 0 NRDY 0 Fullness 0, Peak 0
TXQ_1(2,375): IN 0 OUT 0 DROP 0 USR_DROP 0 BUFERR 0
RXQ_2(4,373): IN 0 OUT 0 DROP 0 NRDY 0 Fullness 0, Peak 0
TXQ_2(4,373): IN 0 OUT 0 DROP 0 USR_DROP 0 BUFERR 0

- 'Driver RX': number of packets received from NP6.

- 'Driver TX': number of packets transmitted by Nturbo.

- 'RXQ_0(0,374)': (Nturbo queue, ipsengine PID).


- 'IN': packets delivered to IPs engine.

- 'OUT': packets received by IPs engine.

- 'DROP': packets lost during delivery.

- 'NRDY': packets dropped due to IPs engine failure.


- 'IN': packets sent by IPs engine.

- 'OUT': packets transmitted by Nturbo.

- 'DROP': packet dropped by NTurbo due to slow TX speed.

- 'USR_DROP': packets dropped from IPs engine due to matching.

- 'BUFERR': packets dropped due to buffer error.
