FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 310798
Description This article describes how to create traffic shaping for a specific VLAN.
Scope FortiGate.

In this example, the goal is to create a traffic-shaping policy for a Guest VLAN, assigning a maximum bandwidth of 50 Mbps.


  1. Configure Guest_VLAN Interface:


config system interface

edit "Guest_VLAN"

set vdom "root"
set ip
set allowaccess ping https ssh fgfm fabric ftm
set device-identification enable
set role lan
set snmp-index 35
set auto-auth-extension-device enable
set interface "LAN_Switches"
set vlanid 300



  1. Configure Guest_VLAN addresses:


config firewall address

edit "Guest_VLAN address"

set uuid c8c36a1a-ca4d-51ee-fd99-086d2b25bccc
set type interface-subnet
set subnet
set interface "Guest_VLAN"



  1. Configure traffic shapers using a shared traffic shaper:



config firewall shaper traffic-shaper

edit "Guest Vlan traffic shaper"

set maximum-bandwidth 50000
set priority low 



  1. Configure traffic shaping policy.


config firewall shaping-policy

edit 4

set name "Guest VLAN traffic shaping"
set service "ALL"
set dstintf "wan2" <==This should be your outgoing WAN interface
set traffic-shaper "Guest Vlan traffic shaper"
set traffic-shaper-reverse "Guest Vlan traffic shaper"
set srcaddr "Guest_VLAN" <== Make sure to use the Guest VLAN as your source address
set dstaddr "all"
