This article describes how to submit a request to rate the websites if rated incorrectly/Unrated.
When an incorrectly rated IP address or FQDN code is found and its rating needs to be changed, submit a review request to the FortiGuard Team as below:
Go to Fill in the necessary details and select Submit. The FortiGuard Team will review, verify, and change the Rating.
To request a category rating through the firewall, follow these steps:
- Log in to the firewall and navigate to System -> FortiGuard.
- Scroll to the filtering section and click Request re-evaluation of a URL's category.
- A new tab will open in the browser where it is possible to fill in the URL details.
- Enter the URL with the incorrect rating, complete the CAPTCHA, and Submit
- Check the current category assigned to the URL for example; if it is incorrect, select Wrong Category.
- Provide the necessary details, choose the suggested category, and submit the request.