Created on
12:17 AM
Edited on
02:47 AM
Description | This article describes how to reduce CPU utilization by network detection daemon. |
Scope | FortiGate. |
Solution |
The daemon is CID (Client Identification daemon). This daemon is used for device detection, and it helps in Internet of Things detection.
The CID process is 'Device Identification daemon'. It is enabled by default on all interfaces with 'set role lan'. Disabling the device detection, the resource CPU will be released by the CID daemon.
To get more logs with this daemon, run the below commands:
diagnose sys top <refresh interval> <max # of lines> <iterations>
Process information:
For each process, collect the outputs of: diag sys process dump < pid >
Debug CID:
diag deb application cid -1
Leave it running for 1 minute.
diag deb reset |