FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 276305
Description This article describes the process to consistently route a designated device via a chosen WAN interface, despite having an SD-WAN setup spanning both WAN1 and WAN2.
Scope FortiOS

To route a specific device through WAN2 utilizing FortiGate's SD-WAN feature, follow the steps outlined below:


Step 1: Understand the requirements.

  • Assume the goal is to route the SMB server through WAN2, even though there is an SD-WAN configuration for both WAN1 and WAN2.

Step 2: Define SMB Server Address

  • Navigate to Policy & Objects -> Addresses -> Create New -> Address.
  • Create an address for the SMB server.

Step 3: Setup SD-WAN Rule for SMB Server

  • Go to Network -> SD-WAN -> SD-WAN Rules.
  • Click on 'Create New' or 'Add'.
  • Configure the Rule:
    • Source: Set to the IP address of the SMB server.
    • Incoming Interface: The internal (LAN) interface.
    • Destination: Set to 'ALL' or as desired.
    • Protocol: Set to 'ALL' or as desired.
    • Outgoing Interface: Set to 'WAN2'.
  • Position the new rule to ensure it takes precedence, either at the top or above any other rule that might match the SMB server's traffic.

Step 4: Define Firewall Policy for SMB Server

  • Navigate to Policy & Objects -> IPv4 Policy.
  • Create a New Policy:
    • Incoming Interface: The internal (LAN) interface.
    • Outgoing Interface: virtual-wan-link.
    • Source: Address -> Select the SMB server's address defined earlier.
    • Destination: All or as desired.
    • Schedule: Always.
    • Service: ALL or specific services if desired.
    • Action: ACCEPT.
    • NAT: Enable.
  • Ensure this policy is placed correctly in the policy order.

Step 5: Testing the Configuration

  • After configuring, test the setup by running debug commands:

dia deb res

dia deb dis

dia deb flow filter addr <SMB server's IP address>

dia deb flow trace start 100

dia deb en


  • Additionally, from the SMB server, try accessing the internet and monitor the FortiGate logs or the SD-WAN performance SLA monitor. Make sure the SMB server's traffic is routed via WAN2.