This article describes the configuration to check if there are no logs under the different categories in Log & Report > System Events.
Go to Log and Report -> Events and from the top right corner, select the Events category from the drop-down menu. If there are no logs, check the configuration below:
Note: By default, all Event logging is enabled under the Log Event filter configuration. If there are no logs, check the following settings and make sure the category in question is enabled:
This configuration controls log creation for General system Events, VPN events, WiFi Events, Router Events, Endpoint Events, User Events, HA events, SD-WAN Events, VPN events, and others.
config log eventfilter
set cifs [enable|disable]
set connector [enable|disable]
set endpoint [enable|disable]
set event [enable|disable]
set fortiextender [enable|disable]
set ha [enable|disable]
set rest-api [enable|disable]
set router [enable|disable]
set sdwan [enable|disable]
set security-rating [enable|disable]
set switch-controller [enable|disable]
set system [enable|disable]
set user [enable|disable]
set vpn [enable|disable]
set wan-opt [enable|disable]
set webproxy [enable|disable]
set wireless-activity [enable|disable]