FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 198217


This article explains how to enable encryption to LENC devices when these are in an HA cluster.




FortiGate, HA cluster.


The first step is to register the license in the Fortinet Customer Service and Support web portal at This will generate the license key. This step must be repeated for the all members in the cluster.

The license keys must then be entered into each device.
  1. Using the CLI on the master device.

execute crypto-license <high-encryption-key>

  1. Change in the CLI to the slave device, where <id> is the ID for the other member of the cluster:
exec ha manage <id>
  1. Enter the key in the slave device.
execute crypto-license <high-encryption-key>
  1. (Optional) In order to use deep inspection with strong encryption certificates with more than 512 bites, renew all default certificates.