FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 335401
Description This article describes how to limit the max percentage of flow-based antivirus memory usage.
Scope FortiGate 7.4.2 or above.


During busy hours, the increase in memory usage may caused by the large number of files that need to be scanned by the flow-based antivirus.



  • Cached and Shmem memory continues to grow:

diag hardware sysinfo memory

MemTotal: 8040256 kB
MemFree: 2177472 kB
Buffers: 6308 kB

Cached: XXXXXX kB


Shmem: YYYYYY kB


  • FlowAV interface file open is much larger than FlowAV interface file close:

diagnose test application ipsmonitor 24

pid: 28619 from 20231013-15:17:26 to 20231013-16:13:13
av_failopen: enabled
FlowAV mmap : 0
FlowAV file open : 0
FlowAV timeout : 0
FlowAV req success : 20397
FlowAV req fail : 0
FlowAV req retry success : 0
FlowAV req retry fail : 0
FlowAV bypassed scan : 0
FlowAV buffer scan : 0
FlowAV file scan : 0
FlowAV interface file open : 23583
FlowAV interface file close : 22052
FlowAV ignored files : 0
FlowAV legacy scan : 20397
FlowAV default scan : 0
FlowAV buffer allocation fail : 0
FlowAV buffer reallocation : 19167
FlowAV buffer reallocation fail: 0
FlowAV queue count: 0 retry_count: 0




The max percentage of the system memory flow based antivirus may be used for scanning.


config ips global

set av-mem-limit Enter an integer value from <10> to <50> or (special = <0>).



Flow-based antivirus will bypass the AV scan for currently buffering files.


config system global

set av-failopen pass


